The exhibition PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society by Andrés Jaque at the Mies van der Rohe pavilion in Barcelona has just finished. It’s a good moment to reflect on its contents, its approach and the result.
—arte, Barcelona, Reseñas, review
atNight is a research project lead by Mar Santamaria i Varas [principal researcher], Pablo Martínez Díez and Jordi Bari Corberó, based on the (re)definition of the term “nightscape”.
—proyectos, representación, representation, Reseñas, review
La galería neoyorkina Storefront for Art and Architecture presenta la exposición “The Competitive Hypothesis”, organizada en colaboración con la plataforma Think-Space.
—contributions, exposiciones, Reseñas, review, Storefront for Art and Architecture
El proppassat 20 de gener va acabar l’exposició La utopia és possible que el MACBA va dedicar al congrés ICSID de disseny celebrat a Eivissa l’any 1971
—exhibitions, Reseñas, review, utopia