Quaderns 2011 – 2016

D'arquitectura i urbanisme

Publicació del Col·legi d'arquitectes de Catalunya

Quaderns/OFFICE 03/05/11

Cronica Quaderns_261_office (1)

Quaderns #261
code: 26103

March 5

DVS “Architecture has to do with order and disorder, with the rule and the exception to the rule. We are interested in subjecting our laws to pressure, finding the moment of indefinable poetry within a harsh set of rules. The unexpected is very important, the exception within the system, showing that the system has faults; the struggle to make things perfect where they never can be.”

“We learned from Iñaki Ábalos and Juan Herreros, and they of course took that from Alejandro de la Sota, that architecture is about intention and not about invention. You try to show the intentions you have towards reality but you do not need to reinvent the world nor to reinvent architecture.”

After the Party

K.G. “The question was: How do you show architecture in a biennale? We immediately thought of putting an enormous wall around the existing pavilion. We wanted to make architecture, not just an installation, a demarcation of a limit. Architecture is about perimeters, architecture as an obstruction makes things possible. It brings hierarchy and organization. Outside is the circus of the Biennale, inside you have all this beautiful, colorful confetti, but it is melancholic at the same time.”

Buggenhout Villa

K.G. “The functional concept of organization is disconnected from the way you live in your house. In old urban mansions one sees how they have been organized in very different ways throughout the years. Sometimes they have become separate flats or a living room has become a bedroom. Everything goes so fast…We believe form should not follow function.”


One Response to “Quaderns/OFFICE 03/05/11”

  1. anna says:

    Això seria elmeu comentari

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Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme is the journal of the Association of Architects of Catalonia