The territorial and geopolitical importance of islands and atolls in the worldwide economic framework can be found —some times— on the power of small scale interventions to have strategical impact…
—Parainfrastructures, Publications, review
(Català) A report of the Icelandic Expedition with 2 and 3rd year students for The Bartlett School of Architecture with professors David Garcia and Jan Kattein.
—architecture, Parainfrastructures, schools
(Català) El llibre estudia les estratègies que utilitzen els arquitectes per aconseguir encàrrecs, vendre projectes i construir obres.
—Books, infrastructure, Parainfrastructures
Aware of our scarce resources, it is time to re-program the rigid models of the past, from the margins, designing flexible infrastructures free from rhetoric.
—Ballard, Editorial, infrastructure, Parainfrastructures
Particularly acute today among urbanists and bureaucrats—for whom efficiency is an almost erotic obsession—infrastructuralism is a modern pathology in which the rhetoric and imagery of managerial discourse serve to erase any differentiation between primary and reflexive modernization.
—essay, infrastructure, May, Parainfrastructures
A text for the exhibition LIGA 02 Inundaciones/Floodings Paisajes Emergentes held at LIGA Espacio para arquitectura in Mexico City.
—events, exhibitions, LIGA, PaisajesEmergentes, Parainfrastructures, Waldheim
The piecemeal division of the world and fragmented interpretations typical of Rococo interiors implied a disappearance of the architectural object through multiplicity and through scale. The world wasn’t built, rather it was furnished.
—Langarita-Navarro, Parainfrastructures
Quaderns #83 (1971) Los espacios libres en Barcelona (Open Spaces in Barcelona) “Albergue para congresistas, ICSID, Fernando Bendito, Carlos Ferrater, José Prada, arquitectos” (Instant City) pp. 85-88 Photography: J.M.Puim In…
—Archive, Ferrater, Parainfrastructures, Prada-Poole
Q. In this issue of Quaderns we want to broach the subject of infrastructures at a time when a dysfunction has arisen between the time it takes to produce architecture…
—entrevista, Parainfrastructures, Prada-Poole