Saskia Sassen is Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University and a member of its Committee on Global Thought. Her most recent books include Territory, Authority, Rights: from…
—contributions, contributors, Interviews, Política, politics
What is at stake for the post moderns is successful new designs for liveable, immune relationships, and these are precisely what can and will develop anew in ‘societies’ with permeable…
—architecture, contributions, contributors, Guest, doméstica, House and Contradiction, housing, review
Two young girls with pleated skirts and plaited hair play in a circle of sand containing a rectilinear seesaw. A month ago, this play area along with other playground structures…
—contributions, contributors, issues, Política, politics
The laundromat in my neighbourhood does something more than wash dirty laundry. It’s not a case of illegal goings on, quite the opposite. The workers at Bubbleworks, in New York’s…
—architecture, essay, contributions, contributors, Política, politics
What is our commons and how should it be renewed, sustained, enlarged, drawn down, and/or extended to others? —J.K. Gibson-Graham The creation of instituting society, as instituted society, is each…
—Books, contributions, contributors, Política, politics
About reproduction —the rewriting of texts— [and ABOUT THE PLEASURE OF THE APPROPRIATION OF A TEXT]. The reproduction [the rewriting] of texts. Such reproduction/rewriting of texts implies a constantly active…
—contributors, Guest, drawings, proyectos
ON IMMEDIACY The spring 2014 lectures from The Rice School of Architecture and the Rice Design Alliance. This series presents four international firms whose provocative work addresses the viewer with…
—agenda, contributors
David Gissen is a historian, theorist, critic and curator of architecture and urbanism. Recent work focuses on developing a novel concept of nature in architectural thought and developing experimental forms…
—contributors, Interviews
(Català) Horizonte, published since summer 2010, as part of a wider project organized by students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which includes lectures on topics in architecture, art, design, culture and theory.
—contributors, Publications, publishing