What is at stake for the post moderns is successful new designs for liveable, immune relationships, and these are precisely what can and will develop anew in ‘societies’ with permeable…
—architecture, contributions, contributors, Guest, doméstica, House and Contradiction, housing, review
The laundromat in my neighbourhood does something more than wash dirty laundry. It’s not a case of illegal goings on, quite the opposite. The workers at Bubbleworks, in New York’s…
—architecture, essay, contributions, contributors, Política, politics
Radical Pedagogies: Action—Reaction—Interaction, an ongoing research project run by PhD students and program director Beatriz Colomina at Princeton University School of Architecture, won the special mention at 14th Venice Biennale…
—architecture, Archive, radical pedagogies, Reseñas, review
“The AA Visiting School defies categorisation.” This is how the unique programmes of the visiting school —organised by the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London— define themselves. The experience…
—academic, agenda, architecture
Yesterday was the official presentation of the forthcoming Catalan pavilion at the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture with the project “Arquitectures Empeltades / Grafting Architecture” curated by Josep Torrents i…
—agenda, architecture, Displaying Architecture, exhibitions, exposiciones
Kazuo Shinohara [1925-2006] was a Japanese architect, educator and writer. Before practicing architecture he studied mathematics, which influenced his particular conception of architecture and the city. Between 1958 and 1978,…
—architecture, hans ulrich obrist, House and Contradiction, housing, Interviews, Kazuo Shinohara, vivienda
“I breathe the smell of steel in the world of the objects.” —Clarice Lispector, Agua Viva In the past weeks we have witnessed a big controversy about the MoMA’s Folk…
—architecture, llibres, Reseñas, review
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—architecture, competitions
Think Space is a cycle organized by the Zagreb Society of Architects. The third edition [2013-2014] of the program is entitled MONEY [The Echo of Nothing], and was devised by…
—architecture, contributions, infrastructure