Overall, the project involves an intervention where new objects are differentiated from the old ones, encouraging the contrast between them and revitalizing some who had fallen into oblivion.
—preservació, Preservat al Buit, vivienda
The new building is formed from the interaction of the formal and spatial elements that configure the place historical memory with the new requirements and the demands of contemporary language.
—Observatory, preservació, Preservat al Buit
Quaderns #263 Vacuum-Preserved—Montjuïc—1956 (Table of contents)
—issues, preservació, Preservat al Buit, contents
It may be the curators, preservationists, and historians—and not the engineers—that begin to recuperate…infrastructure both as a thing and an idea. This in turn, transforms what we understand both infrastructure and history to be.
—Guest, Gissen, infrastructure, Parainfrastructures, preservació