What is at stake for the post moderns is successful new designs for liveable, immune relationships, and these are precisely what can and will develop anew in ‘societies’ with permeable…
—architecture, contributions, contributors, Guest, doméstica, House and Contradiction, housing, review
It is amidst a 7-meter-span square grid of concrete columns in a former parking lot that Joaquim Moreno and Paula Pinto curated Guido Guidi’s relentless 20-year effort to learn from…
—Guest, exhibitions, exposiciones, Reseñas, review
About reproduction —the rewriting of texts— [and ABOUT THE PLEASURE OF THE APPROPRIATION OF A TEXT]. The reproduction [the rewriting] of texts. Such reproduction/rewriting of texts implies a constantly active…
—contributors, Guest, drawings, proyectos
(Català) El zoo de Vincennes és una combinació d’enginyeria Eiffel, innovació de formigó Hennebique i il·lusió naturalista del segle XIX.
—Guest, France, François Roche
(Català) La preservació ha tornat al centre de la teoria i la pràctica arquitectònica després de llanguir al marges durant més de mig segle. Tan sols una dècada enrere, hagués estat impossible pensar que les fites en aquest camp serien assentades per diversos i importants projectes de restauració.
—essay, Guest, issues, PreservatalBuit
It may be the curators, preservationists, and historians—and not the engineers—that begin to recuperate…infrastructure both as a thing and an idea. This in turn, transforms what we understand both infrastructure and history to be.
—Guest, Gissen, infrastructure, Parainfrastructures, preservació
It is time for architects to understand that [to conceive] of new infrastructures for the millennium, [they must] learn how to embrace the new, modulated world of invisible fields.
—AftertheParty, Guest, Varnelis