We all live in houses that are incomplete, always with room for improvement or emergencies that need resolving, arising from wear and tear or from the life changes that we…
—doméstica, housing, issues, Política, politics, proyectos, vivienda
About reproduction —the rewriting of texts— [and ABOUT THE PLEASURE OF THE APPROPRIATION OF A TEXT]. The reproduction [the rewriting] of texts. Such reproduction/rewriting of texts implies a constantly active…
—contributors, Guest, drawings, proyectos
’’…We’ll state that the escence of dwelling is that of personifying, since the person appears, in one of its aspects, as an introverted being, that shares with the world its…
—architecture, doméstica, proyectos
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—doméstica, proyectos
(Català) atNight is a research project lead by Mar Santamaria i Varas [principal researcher], Pablo Martínez Díez and Jordi Bari Corberó, based on the (re)definition of the term “nightscape”.
—proyectos, representación, representation, Reseñas, review
(Català) Molt aviat el proper Quaderns #264, on homenatgem i recuperem l’esperit dels anuaris publicats regularment a la revista entre 1969 i 1979, amb una selecció de més de 50 obres, projectes i molt més…
—Anuari, Anuario, proyectos, Yearbook
Our proposal steps down the slope, fragmenting into different buildings and platforms, in order to maintain the largest amount of existing trees. It seeks to integrate them into the open spaces between the built volumes.