Quaderns 2011 – 2016

D'arquitectura i urbanisme

Publicació del Col·legi d'arquitectes de Catalunya

Campana-Campanae by Lluís Clotet and Studio PER


Quaderns #264

From Federico Correa and Alfonso Milá, the architects of Studio PER have learned the concern by hygienic problems in the kitchens, specifically those derived from the condensation of steam on walls, objects and people… that is why this proposal was based on designing a kitchen extractor that was as an independent object, not linked to any number of cabinets or kitchen furniture and accessible from any point, independent of the plant distribution.

Contributors: Oscar Tusquets, architect, and Anna Bohigas.

You can read thepdf [Spanish] here: QUADERNS ANUARIS Núm 103 Anuario 1974-I

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Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme is the journal of the Association of Architects of Catalonia