(Català) Jan de Vylder explica la idea de “Common Ground” subjacent a “The Ambition of the territory”, la proposta belga per a la Biennal de Venècia 2012.
(Català) Amb Quaderns #264, homenatgem i recuperem l’esperit dels anuaris publicats regularment a la revista entre 1969 i 1979, amb una selecció de més de 50 obres, projectes i molt més.
—Anuari, Anuario, projects, Yearbook
(Català) El llibre estudia les estratègies que utilitzen els arquitectes per aconseguir encàrrecs, vendre projectes i construir obres.
—Books, infrastructure, Parainfrastructures
Quaderns – Guerrilla interviews #1 | Peter Eisenman from Quaderns on Vimeo. Quaderns has been at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice and has asked to several participants which…
—Displaying Architecture, Guerrilla Interviews
Hans Hollein exhibition at the Austrian Pavilion at the 14th Triennale di Milano 1968 | fourteenth Triennale di Milano, International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts and of Modern…
Julia Schulz-Dornburg just published the book “Modern Ruins. A profitable topography “, a photographic inventory of abandoned speculative construction in Spain. With texts of Rafael Argullol, Pedro Azara, Oriol Nel…
Quaderns – Guerrilla interviews #3 | Adam Caruso from Quaderns on Vimeo. Adam Caruso studied architecture at McGill University in Montreal. He worked for Florian Beigel and Arup Associates before…
—Displaying Architecture, Guerrilla Interviews
Quaderns – Guerrilla interviews #2 | Sam Jacob from Quaderns on
—Displaying Architecture, Guerrilla Interviews