Kazuo Shinohara [1925 - 2006] is one of the most influential architects in Japan and the world. He started his career focusing on house building, and the houses he worked…
—doméstica, vivienda
(Català) Reprenem la nostra activitat a l’Observatori i inaugurem la secció Projectes narrats, on els autors tenen un espai per a explicar el projecte mitjançant un podcast. En aquest cas, l’equip d’arquitectes LAGULA ens explica la casa BTX
—Projectes Narrats, vivienda
(Català) Josep Llobet: Casa C+G a Sant Vicenç de Montalt. Aquest projecte ha estat publicat en Quaderns #264 Anuari.
—Anuari, Anuario, vivienda
BRAZIL CATALONIA. 1970 The building responds to the determinants imposed by the extraordinary slope field and the typical landscape of the Costa Brava. With these constraints, Bosch Aymerich wanted to…
—Anuari, Anuario, housing, vivienda
Overall, the project involves an intervention where new objects are differentiated from the old ones, encouraging the contrast between them and revitalizing some who had fallen into oblivion.
—preservació, Preservat al Buit, vivienda