Quaderns 2011 – 2016

D'arquitectura i urbanisme

Publicació del Col·legi d'arquitectes de Catalunya


Based on an open call for submissions, the Quaderns Observatory is a compilation of recent work and activities developed by COAC members, as well as a means to spread the latest professional activities.


The aim of the Project was to convert a sixteenth-century house in a new academy centre. The old house where located in Parets del Vallés and is surrounded by a group of new factories. The house is one of the few vestiges of the rural past of the town.

La Col: Restoring Can Batlló

— code: 26320

1 - Vista general de Can Batll¢ des de la Gran Via

We study the history and the current context of the enclosure from different points of view (urban, social and economic). We promote debates and discussions about the city transformations and we are working on new strategies that, according to the actual economical situation, could slowly inhabit again Can Batlló.


(Català) Per a la reutilització com a equipament cultural de l’edifici existent i l’adaptació a les normatives i usos actuals, la proposta planteja la construcció de dos nous elements dintre del conjunt i una nova escala que, sense desvirtuar en cap cas les característiques formals i patrimonials de l’edifici permeten millorar el funcionament d’aquest.

López-Rivera: IES at Begues

— code: 26317


Our proposal steps down the slope, fragmenting into different buildings and platforms, in order to maintain the largest amount of existing trees. It seeks to integrate them into the open spaces between the built volumes.

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Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme is the journal of the Association of Architects of Catalonia